Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga 300-Hour Certification Program

​Our 300-hour Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) Online Certification Program is for yoga professionals, mental health and health care professionals, and community providers actively working with individuals and communities that have been impacted by complex trauma.

Our next certification program will run from September 2025 - March 2026.
Applications will be accepted from January 15th through August 15th, 2025.
Scholarship applications are accepted until February 28, 2025.

Course Delivery: The program is delivered completely online, comprising recorded seminars and practice sessions, required readings, bi-weekly writing assignments, plus self-study and partner work from September to March, with a two week break over the winter holidays. While this is not a self-paced course, it is delivered in a largely asynchronous, non-interactive format.

Continuing Education Credit: This program is an accredited 300-hour program with Yoga Alliance. It is pending CEs with the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB).*

Regional Availability: While the North American, European, and Australasian Cohorts are offered in English (with some language support), we also offer a concurrent Spanish Community/Spanish-language program (Comunidad en Español).

How to register: Submit your application via the provided link that will become available on January 15th. Applications undergo a review process and you will be notified of your applicant status within 7-14 days. Your first program payment will be required within 14 days of acceptance.

Please carefully review all program information and FAQs before reaching out with questions.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until all cohorts are full. Submitting an application does not guarantee acceptance into the program.

To inquire about accessibility accommodations or other questions regarding the course or application process, please email the Certification Program Coordinator here.

Please note: The TCTSY Certification Program is a professional and educational training, and is not meant to be used for personal healing.

The program requires participants to review and reflect deeply on trauma-related material throughout the length of the program.  We encourage interested applicants to reflect on their degree of readiness to engage with this ongoing exposure to trauma material.

Continuing Education Credits:

Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga 300-Hour Certification Program course #1971, is pending approval by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program to be offered by Center for Trauma and Embodiment as an individual course. Individual courses, not providers, are approved at the course level. State and provincial regulatory boards have the final authority to determine whether an individual course may be accepted for continuing education credit. ACE course approval period: March 1, 2025 - February 28, 2027. Social workers completing this course receive 25 continuing education credits.

The course modules for ACE credit are as follows:
Trauma Theory
Intersectionality, Oppression & Embodiment  
Neuroscience and Interoception Parts I & 2
Attachment Theory
Trauma, Memory, and Parts of Self
Dosage & Titration

For an overview of ACE credit modules and required readings, please see the syllabus here.


Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) is the original yoga for trauma.

It is a scientifically validated clinical intervention for complex, developmental trauma or chronic, treatment-resistant PTSD. In a recent study, TCTSY was found to be as effective as “talk therapy” in improving PTSD symptoms for veterans.

TCTSY is a program of the Center for Trauma and Embodiment. With foundations in both Trauma Theory and Hatha Yoga, and an emphasis on body-based yoga forms, TCTSY is the first and foremost trauma sensitive yoga training, with 20 years of original research and evolution.

In 2023, more than 30 thousand people around the world experienced the benefits of TCTSY by working with a certified facilitator.

The Certification Program is guided by a team of world-class mentors with years of experience in the field of trauma, facilitating TCTSY, and working with vulnerable populations.

Complex or Developmental Trauma has such a deep impact on the entire organism that there is a strong consensus among professionals that treatment approaches need to reach beyond talk-based or cognitive therapies. Research has shown the experience of Complex and Developmental Trauma impacts one’s sense of self and one’s sense of place and purpose in the world. There are also measurable impacts on the body, brain, endocrine system and cellular biology.

Empirical research indicates TCTSY to be an effective treatment for the most severe forms of trauma.

We have certified over 800 facilitators since 2014.

  • “Beyond learning how to offer a practice of healing for those processing trauma, the TCTSY certification program and ongoing education altered how I experience the world. For me, every touchpoint with CTE at JRI has been an excellent experience provided by ethical individuals constantly striving to know better and do better. This program showed me a different way to teach yoga and a new use of language for all facets of my life. It's powerful.”

  • “Prior to TCTSY, I had completed other 200-hour and 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training programs and while they were helpful, I only gained the real confidence to begin facilitating yoga classes for individuals and groups after completing the TCTSY certification. The emphasis on present moment experience and shared authentic experience with participants helped me to recognise the need to be in my own body while I was facilitating, without assuming that I was the expert in the room or would know what was best for the participants in the room with me.”

  • “I work as a trauma therapist and continue to seek learning on ways to care with and support folks who experience trauma.In moments when I feel overwhelmed (personally and/or professionally), I find myself asking if I might want a little movement, perhaps turning my head one way or the other. By returning to the practice and offering it to those around me, I am reminded that TCTSY is a valuable clinical offering--and also a way of being in the world that deeply resonates for me.”

Who Is This Training For?

To be eligible for the certification program, applicants must be: 200-hour certified yoga professionals; mental health or health care professionals; community providers working with individuals and communities that have experienced trauma; or any combination of the above.

Best suited candidates who are yoga professionals will have a vibrant intellectual curiosity regarding trauma theory and experience practicing and teaching yoga. This will provide critical subjective and intuitive insight into the place of yoga in a healing milieu. These candidates will learn to bring TCTSY into their Yoga Scope of Practice.

Best suited candidates who are mental health or health care professionals will be grounded in trauma theory and have experience in their milieu treating patients with complex trauma. These clinicians will have the opportunity to make TCTSY an active part of their clinical or direct care practice while honoring their clinical scope of practice.

Best suited candidates who are community providers working with engaged with individuals or communities who have experienced trauma will bring their skills and understanding, a desire to expand their knowledge about trauma theory, and a current application for TCTSY in their community. These professionals will develop ways to include TCTSY in their work and environments.

Training Prerequisites

All applicants must have completed a TCTSY Foundational Training with one of our licensed global trainers, regardless of background experience with trauma or other yoga trainings.

Applications may be submitted prior to completion of the noted training — however they will be held for review until prior training is complete.

Please review our Foundational Trainings page for upcoming trainings that you might have time to take to qualify for application to this program.

Certification Program Staff

The program is presented by CFTE leadership along with a team of Program Mentors from around the world.

Sydney Spears, PhD, LCSW
Licensed Social Work Consultant & CFTE Leadership Team Member

Jenn Turner, LMHC, TCTSY-F
TCTSY Co-Founder &
CFTE Co-Director

Krystal Pérez, AMFT, TCTSY-F
TCTSY Certification Program

Karen Schwartz, LMSW, C-IAYT
Social Work Planner &
CFTE Director of Operations

Program Format & Structure

With the close support of a mentor, participants will gain the insight and understanding required to build, cultivate, and sustain a TCTSY program in any setting of their choice. Graduates of the program will be the gold standard for Trauma Sensitive Yoga facilitation in their community. We have created this program to be 100% web-based to increase accessibility to participants in any geographical location.

Learning Objectives

  • • Students will define what trauma is, including the different types and diagnoses: post-traumatic stress disorder, complex trauma, and developmental trauma.

    • Students will list at least three ways the physiological, emotional, and relational consequences of each trauma diagnosis can affect survivors in daily life.

    • Students will describe the importance of studying adverse childhood experiences and list the 7 domains of impairment in childhood trauma; they will list at least 10 physical, mental and emotional health issues they can produce through the life cycle.

  • • Students will identify and define the concepts of intersectionality, oppression, and embodiment based on existing research.

    • Students will name the physical, emotional, and mental impact that systems of oppression have on trauma survivors.

    • Students will demonstrate ways to work with trauma survivors through an intersectional lens, and demonstrate examples of respecting diversity, analyzing personal biases, and studying historically perpetuated prejudicial attitudes while minimizing the potential to create and recreate trauma.Description text goes here

  • • Students will define the basic structure and functions of the nervous system and the neurobiology of trauma.

    • Students will identify and describe the neurophysiological differences between interoception and exteroception.

    • Students will describe the brain structures involved and impacted in trauma survivors and why this is important.

    • Students will name the neurophysiological mechanisms that activate or deactivate interoception.

    • Students will define the interoceptive abilities in survivors of complex traumaand give examples of their importance in day-to-day functioning.

    • Students will name at least three physical manifestations of interoception in traumatized bodies.Description text goes here

  • •           Students will describe at least three of the theoretical foundations of attachment theory.

    • Students will list at least three important characteristics of primary relationships in trauma recovery processes.

    • Students will list at least five therapeutic qualities that a relationship should have during trauma recovery.

  • • Students will list at least three of the physiological differences between implicit and explicit memories.

    • Students will summarize the process of memory consolidation in trauma survivors.

    • Students will list describe at least three ways trauma impacts memory and describe their importance in the lives of survivors.

  • • Students will describe the difference between dosage and titration and give examples of low, medium and high doses of TCTSY.

    • Students will demonstrate skillful facilitation of choice making, a key principle and practice of TCTSY

    • Students will demonstrate low, medium and high dosages/titrations of interoception and breath within the context of TCTSY.

Program Structure & Schedule

The TCTSY Certification Program begins early September and concludes at the end of March; approximately 28 weeks, with a break mid-December to early January. (View the 24-25 program syllabus here.)

  • TCTSY is based on the importance of safe and supportive relationships. During this certification program, you will be paired with one to three other students to get peer-to-peer support and learning. Interdisciplinary partnerships allow for an expansion of knowledge across disciplines. 

  • Student peer groups will be assigned a program mentor. You will meet with your group for one hour each week and your mentor will join your meeting for approximately 20 minutes every other week. Each participant will receive three hours of individual mentorship.


  • Readings and multi-media content on relevant topics (trauma and yoga) and short bi-weekly writing assignments predominate from September through December. The program shifts to a practicum focus from January through March.

  • A special project is required and is due by mid-March (topic TBD by student and their mentor)

  • Weekly 60 to 75-minute recorded seminars support the readings and continued learning throughout the program.

  • Weekly TCTSY practices plus topical discussions are facilitated by program mentors on Saturdays at 12PM EST and 6PM EST. You are required to view at least one of the session recordings, live attendance is optional.

  • Beginning in January, students record (8) 10-minute TCTSY facilitation videos and share them with their mentor as the basis for continued learning. Videos are of students facilitating alone via their device or with a friend or family member, strictly as practice.

  • All recorded course materials have been created within the past 1-2 years, with the exception of the practice and discussion sessions which are recorded weekly. 50% of required readings have been published within the past 5 years.

  • Students will be asked to purchase and read “Trauma and Recovery” by Judith Herman and “Trauma Stewardship” by Laura van Dernoot Lipsky & Connie Burk. All other required readings will be provided.

    Certificate of Completion

  • 100% of the course must be completed in order to receive your certificate.

  • Certificates are issued via the course learning platform.

  • Certificates are issued in March if all requirements have been satisfied.

    Test Requirements

  • Those seeking ASWB or social work continuing education credit need to complete a post-test comprised of 132 questions. A passing score of 70% or higher is required. The test may be repeated as needed until June 15th of the course completion year.

  • Completion of the post-test is not required for non-CE seeking participants.

    Course Delivery

  • The program is delivered online in asynchronous format, although it is not self-paced. Each module is released weekly to ensure concurrent content delivery and appropriate time to study and integrate course materials.

  • We use Kajabi’s learning management system to host the course. Access to a computer or mobile device running its latest software is required.

Weekly Schedule

There is not, generally, a set schedule each week. Almost all of the course content is reviewed on your own time, including the recorded seminars, readings, etc. ​Participants can estimate a commitment of 12 hours per week for this certification program. The required time may vary based on content and individual learning style.

Here is an example weekly schedule, in Eastern Time:

— Content for the module becomes available. // Wrap up current module.
Sunday-Friday — Review module content. // Peer group and mentor meetings, determined based on your shared schedules.
Friday — Assignments for the previous module are due; bi-weekly. // Content for the next module becomes available.
Saturday — Weekend Practice & Discussion Zoom meetings at 12pm and 6pm; these are recorded.


While we can provide video captions in multiple languages, you must have proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking English for participation in the North American, European, and Australasian training cohorts.

That said, we do have mentors who can support Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian, and Danish language speakers. Please indicate in your application if you prefer one of these languages in addition to English.

For candidates living in Latin America or for whom Spanish is their primary language, you are also welcome to apply to the concurrent Spanish-language program.

Costs, Scholarships, & Financial Policy


The total cost of tuition for the certification program is $3,600 USD. Tuition is due in full by January 15, 2026.

In an effort to ease students’ financial burden, we have restructured our tuition payment process:

Tuition will be due in 6 equal installments of $600. Your first $600 deposit will be due within two weeks of acceptance. Upon payment of the deposit, you will be enrolled in an automatic payment plan. Your balance will be deducted monthly from your payment method until paid in full.

Please note: All payments must be received in USD in order to be processed. 

Continuing Education Credits

We are applying for social work credit approval. This approval is not guaranteed. In the meantime, you are welcome to petition your state board for credit.

We are a Yoga Alliance approved 300-hour school. Graduates who have their RYT-200 designation can use our program to upgrade to RYT 500 status. Graduates who attain an RYT-200 designation after they complete the TCTSY Certification can apply for the RYT upgrade retroactively as long as they are TCTSY certified at the time they apply.


If a candidate withdraws from the certification program prior to June 15th we will issue a full refund. 

After June 15th, we must be able to fill your spot before issuing a refund. If we fill your spot by August 31st, CFTE will retain a $250 administration fee. If we cannot fill your spot by August 31st, CFTE will retain administration fees as follows:

*For payments totaling $1,200 or more, CFTE will retain $750 and refund any remaining balance.
* If the candidate has paid $600, CFTE will retain $375 and refund the remaining balance.

There will be no refunds after August 31st. However, a candidate may defer to the following year subject to a reinstatement fee. Full details will be provided upon acceptance into the program.

Please see our complete financial policies here for additional detail.

Tuition Assistance Grants

We offer a maximum of (10) needs-based tuition assistance grants. Upon acceptance into the program, candidates may send an email briefly describing their need. Requests must be received by June 1st. Notifications will be made no later than June 15th. Candidates will receive their grant in the form of a refund.


We offer a maximum of (5) full scholarships.

The purpose of this scholarship is to expand the reach of the TCTSY program and to address health disparities by engaging professionals who will commit to providing TCTSY services to communities impacted by discrimination, war, displacement, genocide, or other causes of serious traumatic stress. As a program, we respect the data that shows individuals seeking care tend to be best served by providers who come from the same or similar community or cultural milieu. We will take this into consideration in our decision-making process.

The Scholarship application process for 2025-26 is now closed.

After Becoming Certified as a TCTSY Facilitator

With your certification in TCTSY, you are prepared to facilitate Trauma Sensitive Yoga sessions for your clients and community.

In order to remain certified as a TCTSY Facilitator with Center for Trauma and Embodiment at Justice Resource Institute, you are invited to renew your certification on an annual basis, starting two years after your original graduation date from the certification program.

The renewal process requires that you complete 13.5 hours of continuing education, remit an annual dues investment (the amount varies per geographic region), and practice in accordance with our Ways of Being (a.k.a. Code of Conduct). As part of our certification renewal program, we offer monthly seminars for free that you can use for your CEUs (you can attend live or watch recordings). You are welcome to watch a total of 9 seminars, or use outside trauma-related training. You may also attend our annual Conference on Trauma & Embodiment to satisfy CEU hours.

Benefits of Renewal

  • Annual Listing on the TCTSY Website
    Our website gets over 100,000 unique visitors per year from all over the world. Being listed greatly increases your chances of being found by people seeking qualified trauma sensitive yoga practitioners in your area.

  • Use of Half-Day Training Module
    You can offer the half-day training module without having to share any revenue with CFTE.

  • Keep Learning and Growing
    Access to free, ongoing, online continuing education seminars keeping you up to date with the latest developments in our field.

  • Connect with Other TCTSY-Fs
    Participate in reflective practice groups with other TCTSY-Fs and stay connected via our online platform.

  • Practice Video Consultation
    Schedule a 45-minute video consultation with one of our experienced facilitators to get support and hone your skills.

  • Individual Mentorship 
    Work with a mentor of your choosing at a mutually agreed-upon fee to get ongoing support with your practice.

More information about our certification renewal program will be provided during the training.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our program is open to certified 200-hour yoga professionals, mental health and health care professionals and community providers working in a community that has experienced trauma (we ask that these individuals be affiliated with an organization that can provide them with support).

    All candidates must have completed prior training in our TCTSY model to be eligible for the program. Currently approved pre-trainings are the 40-hour and 20-hour foundational trainings.

  • Everyone must complete our pretraining requirement, regardless of prior education, training or experience. A large part of our emphasis is on building relationship through these experiences, not solely on providing content.

  • We begin accepting applications online on January 15th. You must have completed your foundational training and meet eligibility requirements before your application can be reviewed.

  • The 2024-25 program will run from September 7, 2024 through March 29, 2025 .

    The program takes place entirely online. There is a combination of live content, prerecorded content and readings. You will be matched with a dyad partner (in some cases a triad) and a mentor, and will meet with them throughout the course of the program. We estimate that the program will require an average of 12 hours of your time per week, some of it regularly scheduled. This is not a self-paced course.

  • We have North American, European, Australasian and Latinx cohorts. Candidates are placed in the cohort that is most aligned with where they will be living or working during the course of the program.

  • Program tuition is $3,600 USD. Tuition for Spanish Community candidates living in Latin America is $2,000 USD.

    Tuition will be divided into six equal payments of $600, with the first payment due within two weeks of acceptance and subsequent payments due monthly beginning 30 days after that. Candidates will need to enroll in an automatic payment plan.

    Spanish Community tuition will be divided into five payments of $400, with the first payment due within two weeks of acceptance and subsequent payments due monthly beginning 30 days after the first payment.

  • We offer a limited number of full scholarships each year.  You're welcome to scroll down to the Financial Policies section of our website here for more information and to see if you qualify.

    You must first apply and be accepted to the program (including completing prerequisite training) before applying for a scholarship The deadline for applications is March 1st, 5 p.m. EST, no exceptions.

    We also offer a limited number of $500 needs-based tuition assistance grants each year.  After applying and being accepted to the program, you're welcome to send an email to detailing your request. Decisions are made on June 1st. 

  • CFTE does not offer scholarships for prerequisite training, however our 20-hour trainers often offer a limited number of scholarships per training. You are welcome to inquire about details directly with the individual trainer.

  • Our Spanish Community program is for candidates who live and work primarily in Latin America and/or who will be working primarily with a Spanish speaking population. It runs concurrently with our larger certification program. Tuition for Spanish Community candidates living in Latin America is $2,000 USD; tuition for Latinx candidates living inside the U.S., European or Australasian regions is $3,600 USD.

    Prerequisite training, program structure and requirements are the same as those of the overall certification program.

  • Candidates who successfully complete the program will earn the designation of TCTSY-F. This certification will be valid for two years. At that point, candidates will have the option to maintain their certification by completing annual continuing education requirements and submitting annual dues.

  • In order to remain certified as a TCTSY Facilitator with Center for Trauma and Embodiment at Justice Resource Institute, you are invited to renew your certification on an annual basis, starting two years after your original graduation date from the certification program.

    The renewal process requires that you complete 13.5 hours of continuing education, remit an annual investment of $150, submit a 10-15 minute practice facilitation video for which you will schedule a supervision session to review, and practice in accordance with our ethical guidelines. As part of our certification renewal program, we offer monthly seminars for free that you can use for your CEUs (you can attend live or watch recordings). You are welcome to watch a total of 9 seminars, or use outside trauma-related training. You may also attend our annual Conference on Trauma & Embodiment to satisfy CEU hours.

    More information will be given to you regarding our certification renewal program during the training.

  • All our TCTSY-Fs who maintain their certification will have free access to our ongoing series of continuing education seminars, information on current research and opportunities to build community by joining an optional peer reflection group. We also offer a fee-based Mentorship Program for ongoing support from Program Mentors beyond the certification.

  • We are accredited by Yoga Alliance as a 300-hour RYS.

  • The program is not current accredited by any organizations other than Yoga Alliance.

  • We estimate that the program will take up to 12 hours of time per week. Please use this estimate to help you decide whether you can balance this with your other responsibilities.

Open Houses / Live Q&A

In the open house, interested candidates can:

  • Learn about the academic and practicum scope of our certification program

  • Clarify what prerequisites are required before applying

  • Review the financial policies and scholarship/grant opportunities

  • Hear more about the ways that TCTSY has been used in clinical, yoga, and community applications

  • Become acquainted with the four International cohorts that support students from around the globe

  • Ask and answer any questions that will help to clarify your decision to join us